Roses Studio
Desert Roses Founder Lily interviewed
by SPH magazine Nu You in December 2017
沙漠玫瑰创始人Lily 受邀SPH 杂志《女友》采访

July 15 Interview by Mediacorp
TV channel 8
International champion and master Sophia Meng was interviewed this Friday by MediaCorp TV channel 8 on the topic of the benefit of belly dance for women's health.
照样保持身材和健康,整个孕期和恢复都毫无压力!肚皮舞的益处不用多说, 期待8月中节目播出!
Asian global belly dance competition 2016
Congrats to Desert Roses instructors team winning the group champion
代言新加坡旅游局“闺蜜游” ”新有灵犀,从心发现“宣传短片化妆造型

2016 新加坡沙漠玫瑰国际化妆培训负责新加坡8波道的长寿剧《富贵平安》 的外景跟妆

(June 2015)
Catch upcoming TV drama "Tanglin" on Channel 5
All make up services provided by Desert Roses Arts Studio make up team!
TV Appearance and Magazine/Newspaper
Sophia Meng was invited to do TV shooting on KNOCKOUT Carnival on MediaCorp's okto Channel
(This episode will telecast on 11 & 14 Feb 2014)

Desert Roses Belly Dance Productions was invited to perform on Mediacorp TV Vasantham Channel
(X on Laser Drumming Crew)
Desert Roses Star Sophia Meng
Desert Roses Star (Art Director) Sophia
on Singapore Newspaper Straits Times covering Singapore Street Festival 2013 Press Conference

Desert Roses Star (Art Director) Sophia
on Mediacorp TV Channel Newsasia/ Channel 8 (Good Morning Singapore)
Congratulations to Desert Roses Star Sophia!
Solo and Group champion of 7th Nagwa Fouad International
Belly Dance Competition (Seoul, Korea, Oct 26, 2012)!
First international champion in belly dance for Singapore.
热烈祝贺新加坡沙漠玫瑰肚皮舞明星和教练 Sophia 老师
获得2012韩国 Nagwa Fouad 世界杯肚皮舞大赛独舞和团体赛冠军!

Celebrate 2011, biggest countdown party in Singapore @ the Float, Marina Bay
Catch us on Mediacorp Channel 5 @11pm, Dec 31, NYE 2011

Top 6 best entertainers on Mediacorp OMG (One Moment of Glory)
TV show and stayed for 10 episodes in the show!

Desert Roses Star Instructors on Mediacorp TV Channel 5
(Percussion instructor Amit Gilboa and Belly Dance instructors Sophia, Susan and Jessy)

Desert Roses with TV stars

It's a small world 国记交意所2 filming (Lily and Amit Gilboa)
(老师MARK LEE 和各国同学们)

Percussionist Amit Gilboa on red carpet @ Star Awards 2010
with the crew of It's a small world 国记交意所 (老师MARK LEE 和各国同学们)

Lily appearing on Wonder Chef 我要当食神 (CHANNEL U) (DOUGH SESSION)
Desert Roses Belly Dance instructors filmed in TV drama( Sophia, Susan and Celin)
as the dancers for the Magic show
优频道CHANNEL U new drama The Illusionist 《魔幻视界》 with the TV star Jerry Yeo 杨伟烈 Jan 23 2010
Please watch the video on Video Page

As belly dancers in an Indepent Film 2009 Oct ( Lily, Sophia and Susan) Oct 24 2009
Percussionist Amit Gilboa on Mediacorp Channel 8 playing middle eastern drum for Indian dance (国记交意所)
The below is about Lily
Interview (Xin Min Ri Bao) 2009 Dec 11
Channel 8 Focus 焦点 2009
Channel 8 早安您好 GOOD MORNING SINGAPORE 2009
Channel 8 (综艺Go live )
2009 April
Appearing at 0:37' to the end
Backstage with the crew 2009
(2.5months after 2nd birth)

Channel Newsasia Filming (Hooked on Huayu) with Melissa Hyak 2009
